The Nagaland is a state of India which is located in north-eastern part. It is also a part of Burmar. The people in those areas were called Naka in Burmese Language at very first which means "People with pierced ears". The culture of Naga is simple, they only have 3 main interests. They are their families, clans and villages. The Naga are very attached to his land, to the system of the land and they love their villages.
To kill a man of a woman of the other villages is not a big crime, even if the villages are bounded with friendship. If there are no such bound, it is considered as a meritorious act. On the other hand, to kill the fellow villager is the greatest crime and the punishment is death or exile. Each village is inhabited by two or more clans. Each clan has its own area. In those areas, there are one or more bachelors' halls where the unmarried men sleep and men of all ages congregate and gossip.
Usually, the older men guide the destinies of the village in informal council. For Naga, war is normal but peace is abnormal. Almost all men in the village of respective clans are warriors.
The literature, arts and music of Naga consist of folk tales, dances and music. Every Naga must participate in the celebration of life. Folk literature and songs are sung by all. Naga society is characterized by equality. Apart from respect for age, one sees no discrimination between rich and poor, male and female, in Naga society. Naga believe in a great number of spirits of Nature, of river, of hills and forest, ghosts and other unseen spirits who affect human life at every point.
APA Citation. http://www.angelfire.com/nm/nagalim/edu_cul.htm
Labels: Posted by KHIN KHIN